Friday 26 February 2010

Demolition begins

Having just been to the bungalow to collect post we were rather surprised to see that the demolition has begun. The potting shed has gone, reduced to a pile of kindling and a few panels of the garage roof have been removed.

More horrifying to see was the water fountain coming out of the missing radiator pipes straight into the front room. With no tools to hand it took some time to find a scrap of metal to turn the water off to the header tank. We would have just secured the ball cock but this was just floating around, they had obviously tried and just left it. Even when we stopped the water filling the header tank the water stilled poured out of the taps, looks like the stop cock is not closing off properly. You would have thought that the demolition people would have checked that the water had stopped before leaving the property unlocked and in a state of flood. We did manage to make the place secure with great difficulty as they had damaged the patio door lock, goodness knows how. Have been told that the site will be fenced off on Monday, should have been fenced off yesterday in my opinion.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Gas Board get their act together

We have been told that the Gas Board will be disconnecting the gas in the road next Wednesday the 3rd March, awaiting date from demolition crew as to when they can start the demolition. Hopefully soon.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Asbestos removal

We have now had the prices in for the removal of the asbestos and although there is very little in the chalet bungalow it is going to cost us more to get rid of it than it actually costs to get the place demolished.

Oh well that's life.

The asbestos should be removed very shortly and we are then just left waiting for the gas board to physically disconnect the gas.

Any time within the next month, then the place can be demolished and building can commence.

Saturday 20 February 2010

More photos

More Photos I was told, so here you are a selection from last Summer, the chalet bungalow looks rather good, I can assure you it's not.

The view is rather splendid though.

Building Regs

Having submitted our materials the the planning officer a couple of weeks ago, (a sample brick, roof tile, K-rend for rendering and boundary treatment, in other words what type of fence panel and type of brick for the boundaries), it was good to hear this week that what we had chosen has been passed.

Do you know how many types of bricks there are, hundreds and hundreds, just go along to Jewsons brick library and have a look. The choice is mind boggling, I think we have chosen well, but then I would wouldn't I.

Building regs also required us to carry out a bat survey, even though the Planning Officer said there weren't any. The Enviromental Agency said there may be some so a survey was carried out just to cover everyones backs.


2nd week of Ferbuary 2010 and the electricity and gas metres have been removed in preperation for demolition.

Waiting for the Gas Board to disconnect gas in road, could be up to 35 days. Again we wait.

Garden views February 2010

Asbestos survey

This week we have had the asbestos survey carried out. This is something you have to do before demolition. Brilliant we have very little - sadly it costs loads to get it removed.

Getting a Builder - January 2010

You would have thought that getting a builder on board would be easy, think again. We started off by getting 7 to quote - 4 we chose and 3 who contacted us to quote.

1. One dropped out immediately, had gained a big contract and couldn't do ours.
2. One company we didn't feel comfortable with - too intimidating.
3. One said he could dous some nice radiators - underfloor heating well. He went out the window.
4.One who wanted to quote, felt that he didn't have enough experience and the time scale was too long.
5. This one kept forgetting to put prices in and suddenly everything became extras.
6. Just way over the top on price.
7. The winner. We chose Baron G levine.

Why? Well.

Firstly over 40 years experience in the building trade.
Very hands on.
Good reputation.
Price right very comprehensive pricing structure and realistic prices.

Added bonuses - Trudy in the office (Ex planning officer), does everything by the book and is ultra efficient and is totally on my wavelength along with Ross who must be getting fed up with us, dealing with all the little queries we keep raising.

Gizmos and Gadgets

Our present home was built in 1911 and our last kitchen installed some 18 years ago. It has worn well but oh how things have moved on.

First on our list was the kitchen - 'Lets go for wood, just like the kitchen we have now' - no, not a chance, after talking to Gary at Kitchen House we have chosen a Nolte Kitchen which is very modern. I won't go into too much detail as I would like to keep it as a surprise, but one thing that I think is a must for kitchens and for me as a tea-a-holic is the boiling water tap, no more kettle, no minutes wasted whilst the kettle boils, pure heaven.

Next, well obviously it had to be Solar power and water harvesting! Well we are in the 21st century and we must save the planet with all this global warming! No, sorry I am not into all that, solar power and water harvesting are going into the new house but only to reduce our future power bills, electric and water will only continue to rise and as the house is new we thought we would include them.

Plans passed

September 2009, Plans passed by Planning department, after a little tweeking.
Plans submitted to Poole Planning Office - click link below if you wish to see plans;jsessionid=046CF0DB9671CF0AE84B7D018B436077?action=show&appType=Planning&appNumber=APP/09/00817/F
Architect Kevin, gets stuck in and designs the new build.
May 2009

This is the chalet bungalow we have purchased in Lulworth Avenue, Hamworthy.
View from Hamworthy Park
View across Hamworthy Park to Brownsea Island

View of house from Sea

Beach at Hamworthy Park

House details